Pragmatic Design Rules for Selective Load Introduction in Structural Sheets
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Niedermeier, Michael; Henne, Markus; Keller, David; Kress, Gerald; Stetter, Ralf
Series: ICED
Section: Design Processes
Page(s): 335-346
Good joint design is vital to the success of the product. Spot joining methods in particular cause critical stress concentrations in structures using composite materials. One way of avoiding these is to use the "onsert", which is a joining element for transmitting loads into structural sheets or sandwich materials such as are typical in transportation applications. The onsert is simply bonded to the surface of the otherwise unharmed substrate. Thus, in contrast to other joining methods such as inserting, riveting or bolting, onserts avoid weakening the substrate. This paper describes a pragmatic way to design onserts, embodying notions of a synectic process and biomimetic techniques. The methods are illustrated by the design of an onsert for FRP panels, which was simulated numerically and tested in practice. Design rules are proposed.
Keywords: Keywords: composite material, joint design, onsert, anisotropy, synectic, biomimetic, design rules