The Role of Visual Feedback in Interactive Grasping Simulation
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Rusak, Zoltan; Antonya, Csaba; Horvath, Imre; Talaba, Doru
Section: Design Methods and Tools
Page(s): 347-358
We present an approach to investigate the ability of humans to control with their hands virtual objects, following the interaction on a desktop virtual reality setup, in order to determine the feasibility of user studies for this kind of user - virtual product interaction. Because no real force feed-back is provided, the user can decide upon the correctness of the grasping posture only from visual feedback. The hand and the virtual object interaction are computed from a simulation, so the accurate spatial position of the real hand and fingers are needed in real time. This simulation program is using the Nvidia PhysX SDK. The presented approach is linking a simulation software with a virtual environment and provides real time bi-directional communication of graphical information in a desktop environment: the user can see how its fingers are acting on a virtual product and how the virtual product is responding to different grasping postures and manipulation task. Using a visual display, the designer can evaluate a virtual product in a more intuitive way, using a rich perceptual paradigm, and also the simulation program is providing useful information for shape evaluation.
Keywords: interactive grasping simulation, visual feedback, stability of finger contact, accuracy of finger contact