Proposal for a subject: Creativity, Ecodesign and Patents
Year: 2010
Editor: Boks W; Ion, W; McMahon, C and Parkinson B
Author: Lloveras, Joaquim
Page(s): 382-387
A proposal for a new free-elective course in the Technical University of Catalonia, namely Creativity, Ecodesign and Patents, is presented. The course brings together three previous free-elective courses in order to concentrate knowledge and class time, and eliminate some repetition. The course provides knowledge and practice in product design with special emphasis on creativity and
ecodesign principles. Students are required to develop a conceptual product design and write a patent. To enhance student motivation, an initial discussion on water and energy problems is conducted. The students’ contributions (in the form of a technical object) towards the solution of these problems may transform into actual patents. Knowledge is consolidated by means of two individual/group exercises based on the “Exchange of Mental Schemes (EMS)” methodology. This paper details the syllabus, schedule and methodology of a course which brings together three
well-known aspects of engineering design, i.e. creativity, ecodesign and patents. In the final section, conclusions are drawn.
Keywords: Creativity techniques, ecodesign, patents, mental schemes